Collaborations are of joint interest to EEW and local municipalities and NGO's because graduates of our programs not only improve their own lives and that of their families', they also serve as role models in the community and have positive effects on their surroundings. We see great importance in collaborating with other organizations that work in our field in order to provide women with the best possible programs and services as they work towards financial independence.
EEW always works in collaboration with a local community agency. The local partner is responsible for logistical management of the program, recruitment of participants, and a financial contribution. Our partner usually also selects a staff member who attends the sessions and is in contact with the participants on a regular basis. EEW is responsible for the professional trainers, the content, and a majority of the funding.
Who We Collaborate With
Local municipalities throughout the country, specifically the department of Social Services or women's division.
Local organizations working in the field of economic empowerment and women. This includes private and government sponsored business development centers such as MAOF and MATI and NGO's such as KIEDF.
Shutafot, the coalition of eight women's organizations EEW is a member of. The organizations have come together to promote gender equality and social justice in Israel. Shutafot promotes equality and fights against discrimination in the work force while advancing economic policy that will enable all women equal opportunities.
To bring about economic change for women in Israel through a multi-level approach including: small business development, a broadening of public policy, and the development of need-specific programs for diverse populations. EEW is a feminist organization committed to assisting women from disadvantaged sectors of society.
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Programs and Services
A Business of One's Own
A Business of One's Own: EEW's flagship program has pioneered the field of entrepreneurship, economic empowerment and business training in Israel. A Business of One's Own is a yearlong program in which the participants, mostly from the geographic and social periphery, receive business training, and undergo a process of personal empowerment.
Business Development Services
Business Development Services are provided over five years to grow existing businesses and increase the personal income earned from them. They include advanced business training and industry related seminars; Business Incubation; Business marathons; computer trainings; regional business forums; financial orientation and business coaching, both one-on-one and in small group.
Community Partnerships
EEW is located in Haifa and runs programs throughout the country. These programs are run in cooperation with local municipalities, government agencies, NGO's and foundations that provide loans to small businesses and work in the field of economic empowerment and women. These partnerships are very valuable to EEW and enable us to reach hundreds of women every year and help them begin businesses of their own.
Our Graduates
Since its establishment, EEW has served over 5,000 women from underprivileged populations in Israel, including ultraorthodox, Arabs, new immigrants, single parents, and women over 45. Activities have taken place in over 85 locations, and EEW has played an active role in the establishment and growth of over 1,800 small businesses in a variety of fields.
Economic Empowerment for Women
Haifa, Israel
TeleFax: 972-4-852-0027